
Forest Float (Dix River, May 2020)

In the main, it takes
a heavy precipitation
consistently applied.

Upriver, for saturated soil,
springs with no vacancy
& a Hanging Fork emboldened
by torrential freshet to feed
and to fill the beheaded Upper
Dix. The pressure rising,

for our undertaker
at the dam
at Herrington
(per SOP)
to open the floodgates and
to inundate the lower body
with the lowest, the coldest
of catch and release
dam-water. At the mouth,

a distinctly Kentucky backwash
of sycamore logs
and soccer balls
enveloped in brown froth,
for the current to collect itself,
work its way
upriver, against
gravity and tide
onward to the dam.

Where these waters mingle,
a hundred year flood
sprung from three relentless
days of rain,
I have seen
the forest float.

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