By Wesley Houp
What happened to you?
You look awful.
Did you just survive
a plane crash?
Or were you beaten
with a log chain?
Or were you bitten
by a crazy raccoon?
Is it glandular?
Are you goitering?
Bad sugar?
Bad whiskey?
You look like the fake rock
I hide my house key in.
Is there a key in you?
Could I have the key
and go inside
your fake rock
to find out what happened?
I’m a doctor.
I have a PhD in English.
Yong Guan
So are you an assistant professor of English at MTSU?
Did LinkedIn promote you?
Wesley Houp
Assistant Professor of English at Middle Tennessee State University
Or confuse you with another named the same?
Wesley Houp
Director, University Writing Center at Middle Tennessee State University
Or are they both mistakes? Or are you both and doing park maintenance as a side hustle?