
Letters to the editor, August 11

Criner scores, not Cornell

I played on team Tater Tots, and it was definitely Will Criner that scored against Burbonic Plague, not Chris Cornell. Just wanted to note that.

Great article!

Zach W

“Mall of God” ongoing

In Jake Caldwell’s response (July 28) to Andrew Battista’s cover story of July 14, Mr. Caldwell makes a distinction between Lexington’s “royal narrative” and the “narrative of God’s reign.” While this distinction is useful for his purposes, it’s essentially empty, as are two other distinctions Mr. Caldwell makes in his response, between “Lexington’s ruling elite” and whatever class Mr. Caldwell purports to represent, and between “mainline liberal Protestant churches” and “evangelical mega churches.”

Mr. Caldwell uses these distinctions to position himself, and his congregation, as somehow above the criticisms Mr. Battista levels, but to Lexington residents such as myself, the hegemony of the Christian narrative is in fact the dominant narrative locally, as it is throughout much of the country these days. We are every day inundated with the artifacts of the Christian faith and of the social and moral attitudes of its followers. It is a defining characteristic of life in central Kentucky. As such, whether he accepts or refuses membership, Mr. Caldwell is part of the “ruling elite.” His is the narrative that Lexingtonians are told ad infinitum, and it is the culture shaped by that narrative that we all must live within.

While it’s convenient to say, “no, really, we’re not like those mega churches,” to those continually ostracized by religion as practiced in 2010 Lexington—by your perception of “how things really are”—you are one and the same.

Keith Halladay

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